Addiewell, Loganlea and the Great War - 2

More stories from 1914-18

There's already a page on the site about Addiewell, Loganlea and the Great War.  However, there must be lots more stories about some of the Addiewell and district men and women who lived - or died - in the First World War.

With all the programmes already on television and the commemorations of the outbreak of the war coming up in August, this would be a good time to gather lots more stories about local people and their role in the 'War to end Wars'.

If you've got a story, a photo, a newspaper extract, or a memory of somebody from that time, don't let it be forgotten.  Record it here, as a mark of respect to those who died in that conflict, and those who lived through these terrible years.

On a lighter note,  here's a snippet about Addiewell from the Midlothian Advertiser of 2 Nov 1917, when aircraft were still noteworthy:


Aeroplanes of various types are seen almost daily passing over the village in these abnormal times, but on Sunday afternoon unusual interest was created, when an airship was sighted.  It was travelling at a good speed, and came very near.  On Monday another airship was seen cruising about, and atracted considerable attention.'

(The airships were resumably British ones.  If they had been German Zeppelins, nobody would stood about watching them.)


Photo:British airship of the First World War

British airship of the First World War


This page was added by Sybil Cavanagh on 12/03/2014.

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